Congratulations on completing Stage 1: Setting Up

Hi Harpreet! Let’s get set up with Rex CRM.

Work your way through our step by step guide for this stage, which is focused on getting your Rex CRM account all set up. Note some steps may not be ready to complete until you have completed previous steps... If at any time you get stuck, or need any help just reach out to Grace – your Onboard Success Manager – via the ‘Contact Grace’ button in the menu.


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Watch the ‘Stage 1: Setting Up’ intro video

Est Time:
1 Min

Grace walks you through what to expect from Stage 1 - getting everything set up for Rex.

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Complete the Agency & User Details Form

Est Time:
5 Mins

Complete this Agency and User Details Form. We use this information to set up your account, users, branding, and reports in Rex. We require a high-resolution EPS or PNG image of your logo (Minimum 1000px wide & 500px high). This is required for your brochures and reports generated in Rex. Just send this to your success manager via email.

Open Agency User Details Form

Complete this Agency and User Details Form. We use this information to set up your account, users, branding, and reports in Rex. We require a high-resolution EPS or PNG image of your logo (Minimum 1000px wide & 500px high). This is required for your brochures and reports generated in Rex. Just send this to your success manager via email.

Open Agency User Details Form

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Provide Data Extract for Import

You have two options to import your data into Rex. Remember this needs to be completed one week before your scheduled onboard date. Missing this deadline may result in your onboard date being pushed back.

Option A: Complete our Rex Template Spreadsheets

First download the Rex Template Spreadsheets, then copy & paste your data into them. Once you have these, please send them through to your onboards manager.

Option B: Custom Data Import

Submit your data ('as is' from your previous CRM provider) via email to your onboards Manager in spreadsheet/CSV format. We will review your data and provide a quote for the cost of completing the custom import.

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Submit change of uploader form

Est Time:
5 Mins

This step lets know that you'll be using Rex Software as your main listing uploader. It also provides them with the authority to send us your listing data.

To do this you will need to login to Agent Admin > access XML Uploads > Change my uploader > Enter 2 days before your onboard date and Rex Software as your new uploader.

Important note if you agency is based in VIC: REA does not include the 'Statement of Information' attachment with their listing exports. You will need to have these documents on file to manually add to your listings on your Onboard day within Rex.

Please note: Your listing import will commence at 8am (AEST) on the date you provide (2 days before your onboard date). You will not be able to add any new listings between this time and the day of your onboard date. Any changes made to current listings during the above time-frame won't be present in Rex on Onboard morning, so ensure any changes you make are recorded and added in on the Onboard date.

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Advise Portal Providers of change of uploader

Est Time:
5 Mins

It's important that you contact all portals via email and advise them that you're changing to Rex Software as your main upload provider as of your onboard date.

The portal will then get in touch with our support team ( to organise this change.

You will also need to get in touch with your website provider and ask them to provide your website's FTP details. If they prefer to access Rex's API we can provide the documentation for this.

More details on improving email deliverability can be found here.

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Set up your Rex Training account

Est Time:
6 Mins

To get set up with Rex Training follow these simple steps.

Step 1

Log in to Rex CRM (

You should have already been invited to set up a Rex CRM account - if you haven't please contact your onboarding manager.

Step 2

Once you're logging in you'll be presented with the Home Stream. Click the ? in the top right menu and from the dropdown click on Rex Training.

Step 3

You will be taken to a page where your details will be checked (which should only take a moment). On your first time selecting this you will be prompted with a message to Check Your Emails.

Step 4

You'll receive an email from Coassemble to create your Rex Training account. Click on Start Course Now to get started.

Step 5

You'll be asked to complete your profile – don't worry you only need to do this once. 

Step 6

Once you're logged in you you can start viewing our video training, think Netflix for Rex CRM Training.

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Register for Training Webinars

Est Time:
2 Mins

Learning a new system can be a challenge so we have a select series of Training Webinars that run weekly.

The sessions are designed to cover both sales and admin tasks and we recommend that you attend as many as you are able to do as we have learned that users who complete training start seeing real improvements in their business and daily routines almost immediately!

How to register for the webinars

Step 1

View our upcoming webinars and for each you'd like to attend click 'Register Here'.

Webinar 1: Introduction & Basic Database Management

Tuesdays @ 10:30am AEST - Register Here

Webinar 2: Pocket & Rex Calendar

Tuesdays @ 12:00pm AEST - Register Here

Webinar 3: Listing Administration

Tuesdays @ 1:00pm AEST - Register Here

Webinar 4: Prospecting & Mass Communication

Thursdays @ 10:30am AEST - Register Here

Webinar 5: The Listing Campaign

Thursdays @ 12:00pm AEST - Register Here

Webinar 6: Listing Financials

Thursdays @ 1:30pm AEST - Register Here

Step 2

Select the date you wish to watch the webinar, fill in your details and click the Register button. You will receive a confirmation email for each of the webinars you register for.

Step 3

You'll receive a reminder email for each of the webinars you registered for 24hrs and 1 hr before start time.

Learning a new system can be a challenge so we have a select series of Training Webinars that run weekly.

The sessions are designed to cover both sales and admin tasks and we recommend that you attend as many as you are able to do as we have learned that users who complete training start seeing real improvements in their business and daily routines almost immediately!

How to register for the webinars

Step 1

View our upcoming webinars and for each you'd like to attend click 'Register Here'.

Webinar 1: Intro and Basic Database Management:

Tuesdays @ 1:00pm GMT - Register Here

Webinar 2: Pocket & Rex Calendar

Tuesdays @ 10:00am GMT - Register Here

Webinar 3: Listing Admin

Tuesdays @ 2:00pm GMT - Register Here

Webinar 4: Sales Progression

Thursdays @ 1:00pm GMT - Register Here

Webinar 5: The Listing Campaign

Thursdays @ 10:00am GMT - Register Here

Webinar 6: Increasing your Metrics

Thursdays @ 2:00pm GMT - Register Here

Step 2

Select the date you wish to watch the webinar, fill in your details and click the Register button. You will receive a confirmation email for each of the webinars you register for.

Step 3

You'll receive a reminder email for each of the webinars you registered for 24hrs and 1 hr before start time.

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Download the mobile app

Est Time:
3 Mins

Get a head start with our powerful mobile app.

As a Rex Sales & Rentals CRM user you can benefit from the most feature rich and simple to use CRM mobile app. To get this app follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Download the app

For iOS/iPhone and iPadOS/iPad users:

Search the iOS app store for "Pocket by Rex", click the button or scan the QR Code below and tap 'Get' to download the app to your device.

Scan to download Pocket by Rex iOS app

For Android/Samsung Phone users:

Search the Google Play store for "Pocket by Rex", click the button or scan the QR Code below and tap 'Install' to download the app to your device.

Scan to download Pocket by Rex Android app

When using Pocket by Rex on Android you will need to download a second app to enable the Caller ID functionality. To get this app search the Google Play Store for "Caller ID", click the button or scan the QR code below and 'Install' to download the app to your device.

Scan to download Caller ID Android app

Step 2: Login

Login using your Rex CRM login details. You will then be presented with your app welcome screen.

Get a head start with our powerful mobile app.

As a Rex Sales & Lettings CRM user you can benefit from the most feature rich and simple to use CRM mobile app. To get this app follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Download the app

For iOS/iPhone and iPadOS/iPad users:

Search the iOS app store for "Pocket by Rex", click the button or scan the QR Code below and tap 'Get' to download the app to your device.

Scan to download Pocket by Rex iOS app

For Android/Samsung Phone users:

Search the Google Play store for "Pocket by Rex", click the button or scan the QR Code below and tap 'Install' to download the app to your device.

Scan to download Pocket by Rex Android app

When using Pocket by Rex on Android you will need to download a second app to enable the Caller ID functionality. To get this app search the Google Play Store for "Caller ID", click the button or scan the QR code below and 'Install' to download the app to your device.

Scan to download Caller ID Android app

Step 2: Login

Login using your Rex CRM login details. You will then be presented with your app welcome screen.

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Personalise your Rex Profile

Est Time:
1 Min

To make your(s) and your customers experience that much more professional, check all the details in your Rex Profile settings and add a profile picture for that personal touch.

Step 1 Login

If you're not already logged in, head to to log in.

Step 2 Access Your Profile

In the top right-hand corner of Rex, click on the icon that shows your initials (eg "RT") or your Profile Picture

Choose  My Settings

Step 3 Edit your details

Your name and email address should already be pre-populated. Now is a good time to make sure all your details are correct. If you make any changes you'll be promoted to Cancel Changes or Save Changes.

If you wish to update your name, email address or password associated with your account you will be taken to the Personal Info portal which changes these details across all Rex products.

Step 4 Upload a photo

To add that personal touch upload a profile picture by selecting Choose Photo in the Profile Image section. Select your photo from the popup window and then Save Changes. You should see this appear in the Rex menu bar.

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Upload the Agency Letterhead

Est Time:
1 Min

To add your letterhead follow the steps below.

Step 1: Login

If you're not already logged in, head to to log in.

Step 2: Access the Branding settings

In the bottom left hand corner of Rex's CRM white left hand menu click the cog icon for Settings.

Top Tip: While you're getting used to the system you can click the Expand Menu button in the bottom left hand corner to see the menu names.

You'll be taken to the Account Settings page. Here you can click the Branding tab.

Step 3: Upload your Letterhead

Scroll down to the bottom and in the Letterhead section select Choose Letterhead. From this window select your pdf letterhead and upload.

Click Save Changes and you're done.

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Check your Email Merge Templates

Est Time:
15 Mins

To review the email merge templates, edit or create new ones follow these quick steps.

Step 1: Login

If you're not already logged in, head to to log in.

Step 2: Access Email Merge Templates

Click the Settings cog icon in the bottom left menu bar and then select Tracks, Merge & Brochures.

From this page select Email Merges in the list on the left hand side.

Step 3: Review/Edit Email Merges

Click on the template name to see the content of the merges, here you can view and edit them.

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Review our default Letter Merge Templates

Est Time:
10 Mins

To review the letter merge templates, edit or create new ones follow these quick steps.

Step 1: Login

If you're not already logged in, head to to log in.

Step 2: Access Letter Merge Templates

Click the Settings cog icon in the bottom left menu bar and then select Tracks, Merge & Brochures.

From this page select Letter Merges in the list on the left hand side.

Step 3: Review/Edit Letter Merges

Click on the template name to see the content of the merges, here you can view and edit and preview them on your letterhead.

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Set up your first Newsletter Template

Est Time:
20 Mins

To set up your first newsletter template follow these steps:

Step 1: Login

If you're not already logged in, head to to log in.

Step 2: Access Newsletters

Click the Admin menu item in the bottom left menu bar and then select Newsletters.

From this page click the big plus + icon in the top left.

Step 3: Select a Newsletter builder

You'll will be prompted with a window to select our new drag and drop Modern Builder or the Classic newsletter builder. Follow the steps in your chosen builder to complete your newsletter.

For more information on the Classic Builder:

And more information on the New Drag and Drop Modern Builder:

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Browse our available Integrations

Est Time:
1 Mins

To browse our integrations you can do so within the Rex CRM app.

Step 1: Login

If you're not already logged in, head to to log in.

Step 2: Access Integrations

Click the Admin menu item in the bottom left menu bar and click on Integrations. You will then be taken to the active integrations page.

Step 3: Review Active Integrations

Here you will see any currently active integrations on your account. Click the integration for more information.

Step 4: Discover other integrations

Click on the Discover on left hand side or the panel below the active integrations to view integrations available to you in your region.

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Duplicate and one of our default Tracks

Est Time:
1 Mins

To get you familiar with our Tracks we recommend duplicating one and then editing it. You may of course add, edit and remove Tracks as needed later.

Step 1: Login

If you're not already logged in, head to to log in.

Step 2: Access Tracks

Click the Settings (cog icon) menu item in the bottom left menu bar and click on Tracks, Merge & Brochures. You will then be taken to the Tracks page.

Step 3: Duplicate a Track

To duplicate a Track, click on the Track name.

Then click the Duplicate button in the top left.

Give your duplicated Track a name and then click Done.

Step 4: Edit the duplicated Track

You will then be taken to edit your duplicated Track. Here you can edit the name, description, colour, and any reminders associated with your Track.

Step 4: Watch this helpful video on Tracks

More detailed information on Tracks is in our Help Centre.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed all the required steps to get Rex CRM set up for launch day.

What’s next? Our team will be working hard to get everything ready for your live date. Your personal Onboard Success Manger will be in touch to confirm your launch day and unlock ‘Stage 2 – Launch Day’ for you, you will also get an email confirmation when this is ready.

Contact Maisy

Have a question or need some help?
Reach out to Maisy using the details below.

📞 Phone: (+61) 0427 380 837

✉️ Email:

Book an appointment

Contact Dylan

Have a question or need some help?
Reach out to Dylan using the details below.

📞 Phone: (+61) 0429 124 848

✉️ Email:

Book an appointment

Contact Camila

Have a question or need some help?
Reach out to Camila using the details below.

📞 Phone: (+61) 0475 005 359

✉️ Email:

Book an appointment

Contact Meg

Have a question or need some help?
Reach out to Meg using the details below.

✉️ Email:

Book an appointment

Contact Liz

Have a question or need some help?
Reach out to Liz using the details below.

📞 Phone: (+61) 0437 967 729

✉️ Email:

Book an appointment
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The onboarding tool is currently undergoing maintenance.
It will be back online by 5pm Friday 09/09.

We apologise for the inconvenience. Please reach out to your customer success manager if you have any concerns or if you are needing assistance